Thanks so much for your interest in guest posting at Witchy Weird!
Before submitting your post/or idea, please review the guidelines below:
- Submission of your guest post does not guarantee publication. I will review your submission and if it will benefit or be of interest to Witchy Weird readers, I'll likely publish it. 🙂
- Posts must be high quality and original content.
- Submissions must not have been previously posted/published elsewhere.
- Preference will be given to those who show a genuine interest in Witchy Weird as a reader or follower.
- Submissions solely for the purpose of promoting a product, service or website (ex. PR or SEO posts), will not be accepted.
- Post length should be 300 words minimum, 1000 words maximum.
- Please ensure that you check your post for correct spelling, grammar and punctuation before submitting. Submissions which require excessive editing cannot be accepted.
- Feel free to include relevant links within the post, including links to your own site. Irrelevant or broken links will be removed. Please do not include affiliate links.
- At this time, Witchy Weird does not offer monetary compensation for guest posts.
Please keep in mind that although I do personally read each and every submission I receive, it's not possible to respond to each one due to the volume I receive. If your post/post idea is a good fit for Witchy Weird, I'll contact you within 2-4 weeks with the next steps to get published! 😀
Please submit your post/post idea using the form below.